Conference Agenda
8 – 8:30 a.m. | Registration, continental breakfast, exhibitors open, and two 3-minute presentations by Gold Sponsors |
8:30 – 8:35 a.m. | Opening Remarks: Dianne Palter Gill and Jeff Hayden's introduction of Christina Royal, 快播成人 President |
8:35 – 8:40 a.m. | Host college welcome by Christina Royal, 快播成人 President |
8:50 – 8:55 a.m. | NEWN Welcome and Conference Agenda, Dianne Palter Gill and recognition of sponsors, Jeff Hayden |
8:50 – 8:55 a.m. | Dianne Palter Gill introduction of keynote speaker Jack Warner, President of Rhode Island College |
8:55 – 9:25 a.m. | Keynote presentation: Jack Warner, President of Rhode Island College | |
9:30 – 9:45 a.m. | Coffee break and visits with sponsors |
9:45 a.m. – 1:35 p.m. | Breakout sessions (see below) |
Breakout Sessions
9:45 - 10:30 a.m.
Session 1, Room 301/303
- What It Takes to Be MASS Competitive: Lisa Carchia, Director of Workforce Development for the Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges
- In partnership with MACP, MACC designed and executed an innovative program that provided classroom training, stipends, on-the-job training, and unprecedented wrap-around services leading to full time employment upon successful completion of the Be Mass Competitive Program.
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Session 2, Room 203
- Professional Learning Communities: Aligning K-12, Community College, and Workforce Partners to Ensure Student Success: Stephanie Davolos, Director, K-12 Partnerships and Gateway to College, Achieving the Dream, and Vivian Ostrowski, Director of Gateway to College, 快播成人 Community College
- Does your work suffer from committee-"itis"? Feeling like you are working in silos and not able to get on the same page with your partners? This session will share some of the breakthroughs experienced by Achieving the Dream Network Colleges when they adopted a community-wide professional learning community approach to aligning K-Career pathways in the middle of the pandemic.
- Download handouts 1, 2, and 3
Session 3, Room 312
- Meeting the Moment: Opportunities to Achieve an Inclusive Economic Recovery in New England: Kaitlyn Bean: Senior Program Officer, SkillWorks, The Boston Foundation, Jim Boucher: Chief Strategy Officer, Capital Workforce Partners, and Yasmin Fallahkhair, State Network Manager, National Skills Coalition
- This presentation will examine what it means to reimagine the workforce for an inclusive economic recovery, including what it takes to reach this outcome and who must be prioritized in these efforts. We will discuss political challenges, opportunities, and advancements in CT and MA, as well as the federal level.
10:45 - 11:30 a.m.
Session 4, Room 301/303
- Building on Students’ Strengths to Chart a Personalized Path to Career Advancement for Immigrants: Pesha Black, Director of ESOL, Robin Marion, ESOL Literacy Specialist, Josh Owsley, ESOL Literacy Specialist
- Shifting program orientation to a default position of "Yes, let's see how to make it happen!" shaped 快播成人's Accelerated Career English into a 快播成人-centered, assets-based, flexible English and career readiness program. Explore how a contextualized, project-based approach supports 快播成人 success on personalized pathways from interpreting to Solutions Engineer to entrepreneurship!
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Session 5, Room 203
- Jobs in Digital Healthcare: Engaging, Upskilling, Reskilling, and Advocating for Underrepresented and Underserved Demographics: Bruce Mendelsohn, Resource Development Coordinator, MassHire Central Region Workforce Board
- that for every 17 IT job openings in Greater Boston, there was one qualified applicant. Seeking to diversify a tech workforce that's 95% white and 76% male, MassHire shares efforts to expand DEI in the Commonwealth's Healthcare IT Jobs pipeline funded by a $50K JFF/Google grant.
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- Learning Without Boundaries – Collaborating with Employers through Hybrid Apprenticeship Programs: Dr. Kristen Miller, Vice President of Academic Affairs, White Mountains Community College
- When Memorial Hospital in North Conway, New Hampshire approached White Mountains Community College to assist with a workforce shortage in Medical Assistants, and the standard 10-week apprenticeship program didn't meet the hospital's needs, the college rolled their sleeves up and collaborated on a hybrid apprenticeship program. The result created an opportunity for adult learners to be full-time, paid and benefited employees of the hospital and obtain an accredited certificate from the college, while meeting the workforce needs of the hospital. All costs of the program are covered by the hospital. The hybrid program utilizes on the job training, classroom instruction, and experiential learning to meet both college and workforce needs.
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Session 6, Room 312
- Growing Corporate Partnerships for You and Your Students Through Short-Term Tech Credentials: Ben Williams, Ph.D., Director, Workforce Development, and Sara Lamback, Senior Director, Jobs for the Future (JFF)
- Corporate partners are offering new industry-driven credentials that community colleges can embed in their programming, even stacking into high-demand tech roles. Learn about Job for the Future's work with Google, Verizon, IBM and others and how your college can join these initiatives.
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11:35 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. | Lunch w/sponsor video running and Gold sponsor presentations (301/303) |
12:25 – 12:45 p.m. | Visits with sponsors (301/303 and 2nd and 3rd floor hallways) |
12:50 - 1:35 p.m.
Session 7, Room 301/303
- Thriving Teams: Preventing Burnout in the Workplace: Colleen DelVecchio, Career and Executive Coach
- Burnout is real and results in decreased employee engagement, lower productivity, higher absenteeism, and greater turnover. With so many employees feeling the stress of the past two years, learn how you can help decrease burnout for yourself and your team.
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Session 8, Room 203
- Noncredit to Credit Alignment: Results of National Community of Practice: Dianne Palter Gill, Ed.D., Dean, North Shore Community College, Annie Phillips, Education Strategy Group, Calista Smith, Coach, Education Strategy Solutions, Lori A. Vinci, Dean, North Shore Community College
- What does a Noncredit to Credit alignment lab look like when joining a community of practice with 13 other community colleges from all over the country? Working with our coach and Education Strategy Group and Association of Community College Trustees, NSCC was the only college in New England chosen to participate in this grant-funded initiative. Come hear the results of this project as it comes to its 18-month conclusion.
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Session 9, Room 312
- A “How To” On Staying Effective and Productive in Online Settings: Wayne Johnson, Advanced Automation Corporation (AAC), and Rob Vitello, Associate Director of Business Development, Bristol Community College
- The effectiveness of online meetings with international and culturally diverse participants can be impacted when expectations do not match reality. In this presentation, we will discuss how to bridge expectations and reality with a focus on clearly defining working relationships, duties, and expectations to enhance communication and productivity.
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- Building the Next Generation of Supply Chain Automation and Industry 4.0 Technicians: Tyler Kennedy, Manager of Strategic Initiatives, Manufacturing Skills Standards Council (MSSC), Richard Brooks, Vice President, Technical Education Products, Inc., and Michael Keogh, Director of Business Development, Community College of Vermont
- Employers are desperately seeking supply chain automation and advanced manufacturing technicians, but how are they going to get them? The nation's leading automation and production technician certifying body, the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC), will show you how.
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1:40 – 1:55 p.m. | Cookie/coffee break & visits with sponsors |
2 – 2:25 p.m. | Town Hall (Room 301/303) |
2:25 – 2:50 p.m. | State basket raffle and sponsor gift drawing |